How to remember the A/c Codes?


How to remember the A/c Codes?

Here is the Technique!

    You must follow Step by Step process to store the A/c codes into your Head!

During this Process you should leave all Exam tension & any other distractions. Only concentrate on this Process. Please remember You should not hurry! The more you hurry you will forget what you remember as you move on to the next step! So You must follow the Process in Calm, Slow and Steady manner. Lets Start!


The Process is divided into 3 Steps:

Step 1: Remembering the States (A/c Groups)

Step 2: Remembering the Districts (Main A/c Codes)

Step 3: Remembering the Taluks (Sub Account Codes)


  • Use "Desktop Mode" option in Chrome browser if you are not able to see the A/c Codes Description completely.
  • To Search the required A/c Code easily use 'Ctr+F' in systems or 'Find in page' option in Chrome browser.

Step 1: Remembering the A/c Groups

This step is again divided into 8 steps!

  1. In each step we will try to remember set of A/c groups. 
  2. You will go to next step only if you remember all the A/c Groups in the ongoing step thoroughly. 
  3. Let's start with the Step 1.1. Once you sure that you remembered all A/c groups in Step 1.1 then try to tell all the A/c groups without seeing at least 1 to 3 times. 
  4. Repeat this process until you able to tell all the A/c groups without seeing in step 1.1 at least 3 times in a row!
  5. Once you able to said all the A/c groups without seeing  3 times in a row you will go to next step 1.2 and repeat the above process from Sl no's 1 to 4
  6. Once you able to say 3 times in a row without seeing of all the A/c groups in step 1.2 then you will try to tell all the A/c groups without seeing  in both Steps 1.1 and Step 1.2 together in a row at least 3 times 
  7. The same procedure from Sl No's 1 to 6 continues in next step by adding next following step 1.3. Then you will try to tell all the A/c groups without seeing in the Steps 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 together in a row at least 3 times.
  8. The above procedure continues until you reach Step 1.8 and able to tell all the A/c groups without seeing from Step 1.1 to Step 1.8.

Step 1.1

  • 10 - Fixed Assets
  • 12 - Provision for Depreciation on Fixed Assets
  • 14 - Capital Work-in-Progress
  • 15 - Assets at construction stage
  • 16 - Assets not in use
  • 17 - Deferred costs
  • 18 - Intangible Assets
  • 20 - Investments

Step 1.2

  • 22 - Materials Stock and Related Accounts
  • 23 - Receivables Against Supply of Power
  • 24 - Cash and Bank
  • 25 - Advance to Suppliers
  • 26 - Advance to Contractors
  • 27 - Other Loans and Advances
  • 28 - Sundry Debtors (Trading)

Steps 1.1 & 1.2

  • 10 - Fixed Assets
  • 12 - Provision for Depreciation on Fixed Assets
  • 14 - Capital Work-in-Progress
  • 15 - Assets at construction stage
  • 16 - Assets not in use
  • 17 - Deferred costs
  • 18 - Intangible Assets
  • 20 - Investments
  • 22 - Materials Stock and Related Accounts
  • 23 - Receivables Against Supply of Power
  • 24 - Cash and Bank
  • 25 - Advance to Suppliers
  • 26 - Advance to Contractors
  • 27 - Other Loans and Advances
  • 28 - Sundry Debtors (Trading)

Step 1.3
  • 31 - IUA - Materials
  • 32 - IUA - Capital Expenditure & Fixed Assets
  • 33 - IUA - Remittances to Head office
  • 34 - IUA - Funds Transfer from Head office
  • 36 - IUA - Personal
  • 37 - IUA - Other Transactions / Adjustments

Steps 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3

  • 10 - Fixed Assets
  • 12 - Provision for Depreciation on Fixed Assets
  • 14 - Capital Work-in-Progress
  • 15 - Assets at construction stage
  • 16 - Assets not in use
  • 17 - Deferred costs
  • 18 - Intangible Assets
  • 20 - Investments
  • 22 - Materials Stock and Related Accounts
  • 23 - Receivables Against Supply of Power
  • 24 - Cash and Bank
  • 25 - Advance to Suppliers
  • 26 - Advance to Contractors
  • 27 - Other Loans and Advances
  • 28 - Sundry Debtors (Trading)
  • 31 - IUA - Materials
  • 32 - IUA - Capital Expenditure & Fixed Assets
  • 33 - IUA - Remittances to Head office
  • 34 - IUA - Funds Transfer from Head office
  • 36 - IUA - Personal
  • 37 - IUA - Other Transactions / Adjustments

Step 1.4
  • 41 - Liability for Purchase of Power
  • 42 - Liability of Supplies/Works
  • 44 - Staff related liabilities and provisions
  • 46 - Other liabilities and provisions
  • 47 - Deposit for works
  • 48 - Deposits from consumers and interest payable on deposits

Steps 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4

  • 10 - Fixed Assets
  • 12 - Provision for Depreciation on Fixed Assets
  • 14 - Capital Work-in-Progress
  • 15 - Assets at construction stage
  • 16 - Assets not in use
  • 17 - Deferred costs
  • 18 - Intangible Assets
  • 20 - Investments
  • 22 - Materials Stock and Related Accounts
  • 23 - Receivables Against Supply of Power
  • 24 - Cash and Bank
  • 25 - Advance to Suppliers
  • 26 - Advance to Contractors
  • 27 - Other Loans and Advances
  • 28 - Sundry Debtors (Trading)
  • 31 - IUA - Materials
  • 32 - IUA - Capital Expenditure & Fixed Assets
  • 33 - IUA - Remittances to Head office
  • 34 - IUA - Funds Transfer from Head office
  • 36 - IUA - Personal
  • 37 - IUA - Other Transactions / Adjustments
  • 41 - Liability for Purchase of Power
  • 42 - Liability of Supplies/Works
  • 44 - Staff related liabilities and provisions
  • 46 - Other liabilities and provisions
  • 47 - Deposit for works
  • 48 - Deposits from consumers and interest payable on deposits

Step 1.5
  • 50 - Borrowings for working capital
  • 51 - Payments due on capital liabilities 
  • 52 & 53 - Capital liabilities(Other than State Govt. Loans)
  • 54 - Funds from State Government
  • 55 - Contributions, Grants and Subsidies towards Cost of Capital Assets
  • 56 - Reserves
  • 57 - Reserve Funds
  • 58 - Surplus

Steps 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 & 1.5

  • 10 - Fixed Assets
  • 12 - Provision for Depreciation on Fixed Assets
  • 14 - Capital Work-in-Progress
  • 15 - Assets at construction stage
  • 16 - Assets not in use
  • 17 - Deferred costs
  • 18 - Intangible Assets
  • 20 - Investments
  • 22 - Materials Stock and Related Accounts
  • 23 - Receivables Against Supply of Power
  • 24 - Cash and Bank
  • 25 - Advance to Suppliers
  • 26 - Advance to Contractors
  • 27 - Other Loans and Advances
  • 28 - Sundry Debtors (Trading)
  • 31 - IUA - Materials
  • 32 - IUA - Capital Expenditure & Fixed Assets
  • 33 - IUA - Remittances to Head office
  • 34 - IUA - Funds Transfer from Head office
  • 36 - IUA - Personal
  • 37 - IUA - Other Transactions / Adjustments
  • 41 - Liability for Purchase of Power
  • 42 - Liability of Supplies/Works
  • 44 - Staff related liabilities and provisions
  • 46 - Other liabilities and provisions
  • 47 - Deposit for works
  • 48 - Deposits from consumers and interest payable on deposits
  • 50 - Borrowings for working capital
  • 51 - Payments due on capital liabilities 
  • 52 & 53 - Capital liabilities(Other than State Govt. Loans)
  • 54 - Funds from State Government
  • 55 - Contributions, Grants and Subsidies towards Cost of Capital Assets
  • 56 - Reserves
  • 57 - Reserve Funds
  • 58 - Surplus

Step 1.6
  • 61 - Revenue from sale of power
  • 62 - Other income
  • 63 - Subsidies and Grants (Revenue)
  • 65 - Prior period income

Steps 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 & 1.6

  • 10 - Fixed Assets
  • 12 - Provision for Depreciation on Fixed Assets
  • 14 - Capital Work-in-Progress
  • 15 - Assets at construction stage
  • 16 - Assets not in use
  • 17 - Deferred costs
  • 18 - Intangible Assets
  • 20 - Investments
  • 22 - Materials Stock and Related Accounts
  • 23 - Receivables Against Supply of Power
  • 24 - Cash and Bank
  • 25 - Advance to Suppliers
  • 26 - Advance to Contractors
  • 27 - Other Loans and Advances
  • 28 - Sundry Debtors (Trading)
  • 31 - IUA - Materials
  • 32 - IUA - Capital Expenditure & Fixed Assets
  • 33 - IUA - Remittances to Head office
  • 34 - IUA - Funds Transfer from Head office
  • 36 - IUA - Personal
  • 37 - IUA - Other Transactions / Adjustments
  • 41 - Liability for Purchase of Power
  • 42 - Liability of Supplies/Works
  • 44 - Staff related liabilities and provisions
  • 46 - Other liabilities and provisions
  • 47 - Deposit for works
  • 48 - Deposits from consumers and interest payable on deposits
  • 50 - Borrowings for working capital
  • 51 - Payments due on capital liabilities 
  • 52 & 53 - Capital liabilities(Other than State Govt. Loans)
  • 54 - Funds from State Government
  • 55 - Contributions, Grants and Subsidies towards Cost of Capital Assets
  • 56 - Reserves
  • 57 - Reserve Funds
  • 58 - Surplus
  • 61 - Revenue from sale of power
  • 62 - Other income
  • 63 - Subsidies and Grants (Revenue)
  • 65 - Prior period income

Step 1.7
  • 70 - Power Purchase Account 
  • 71 - Cost of Generation of Power
  • 74 - Repairs and Maintenance 
  • 75 - Employee Costs
  • 76 - Administration and General Expenses 
  • 77 - Depreciation and Other Costs Relating to Fixed Assets
  • 78 - Interest and Other Finance Charges
  • 79 - Other Debits to Revenue Accounts

Steps 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 & 1.7

  • 10 - Fixed Assets
  • 12 - Provision for Depreciation on Fixed Assets
  • 14 - Capital Work-in-Progress
  • 15 - Assets at construction stage
  • 16 - Assets not in use
  • 17 - Deferred costs
  • 18 - Intangible Assets
  • 20 - Investments
  • 22 - Materials Stock and Related Accounts
  • 23 - Receivables Against Supply of Power
  • 24 - Cash and Bank
  • 25 - Advance to Suppliers
  • 26 - Advance to Contractors
  • 27 - Other Loans and Advances
  • 28 - Sundry Debtors (Trading)
  • 31 - IUA - Materials
  • 32 - IUA - Capital Expenditure & Fixed Assets
  • 33 - IUA - Remittances to Head office
  • 34 - IUA - Funds Transfer from Head office
  • 36 - IUA - Personal
  • 37 - IUA - Other Transactions / Adjustments
  • 41 - Liability for Purchase of Power
  • 42 - Liability of Supplies/Works
  • 44 - Staff related liabilities and provisions
  • 46 - Other liabilities and provisions
  • 47 - Deposit for works
  • 48 - Deposits from consumers and interest payable on deposits
  • 50 - Borrowings for working capital
  • 51 - Payments due on capital liabilities 
  • 52 & 53 - Capital liabilities(Other than State Govt. Loans)
  • 54 - Funds from State Government
  • 55 - Contributions, Grants and Subsidies towards Cost of Capital Assets
  • 56 - Reserves
  • 57 - Reserve Funds
  • 58 - Surplus
  • 61 - Revenue from sale of power
  • 62 - Other income
  • 63 - Subsidies and Grants (Revenue)
  • 65 - Prior period income
  • 70 - Power Purchase Account 
  • 71 - Cost of Generation of Power
  • 74 - Repairs and Maintenance 
  • 75 - Employee Costs
  • 76 - Administration and General Expenses 
  • 77 - Depreciation and Other Costs Relating to Fixed Assets
  • 78 - Interest and Other Finance Charges
  • 79 - Other Debits to Revenue Accounts

Step 1.8
  • 80 - Interest on Belated Payment of Power Purchase Dues
  • 81 - Provision for Income tax for the Year
  • 83 - Prior Period Expenses/ Losses

Steps 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 & 1.8

  • 10 - Fixed Assets
  • 12 - Provision for Depreciation on Fixed Assets
  • 14 - Capital Work-in-Progress
  • 15 - Assets at construction stage
  • 16 - Assets not in use
  • 17 - Deferred costs
  • 18 - Intangible Assets
  • 20 - Investments
  • 22 - Materials Stock and Related Accounts
  • 23 - Receivables Against Supply of Power
  • 24 - Cash and Bank
  • 25 - Advance to Suppliers
  • 26 - Advance to Contractors
  • 27 - Other Loans and Advances
  • 28 - Sundry Debtors (Trading)
  • 31 - IUA - Materials
  • 32 - IUA - Capital Expenditure & Fixed Assets
  • 33 - IUA - Remittances to Head office
  • 34 - IUA - Funds Transfer from Head office
  • 36 - IUA - Personal
  • 37 - IUA - Other Transactions / Adjustments
  • 41 - Liability for Purchase of Power
  • 42 - Liability of Supplies/Works
  • 44 - Staff related liabilities and provisions
  • 46 - Other liabilities and provisions
  • 47 - Deposit for works
  • 48 - Deposits from consumers and interest payable on deposits
  • 50 - Borrowings for working capital
  • 51 - Payments due on capital liabilities 
  • 52 & 53 - Capital liabilities(Other than State Govt. Loans)
  • 54 - Funds from State Government
  • 55 - Contributions, Grants and Subsidies towards Cost of Capital Assets
  • 56 - Reserves
  • 57 - Reserve Funds
  • 58 - Surplus
  • 61 - Revenue from sale of power
  • 62 - Other income
  • 63 - Subsidies and Grants (Revenue)
  • 65 - Prior period income
  • 70 - Power Purchase Account 
  • 71 - Cost of Generation of Power
  • 74 - Repairs and Maintenance 
  • 75 - Employee Costs
  • 76 - Administration and General Expenses 
  • 77 - Depreciation and Other Costs Relating to Fixed Assets
  • 78 - Interest and Other Finance Charges
  • 79 - Other Debits to Revenue Accounts
  • 80 - Interest on Belated Payment of Power Purchase Dues
  • 81 - Provision for Income tax for the Year
  • 83 - Prior Period Expenses/ Losses

Step 2: Come to this step only if you are able to tell all the A/c groups without seeing from 10 to 83 in the Step 1!

Step 2: Click here..

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