- Harish, BESCOM 

Before Exam:
  • Make sure that your bag is ready with everything that is needed in exam on previous day itself for every exam.
  • Revise/Glance everything what you studied atleast once before go to bed on previous day and Glance once before exam starts.
  • Make sure to reach exam centre atleast 1 hour before exam starts so that your mind will be in calm state and you can glance everything what you studied.
  • Keep everything ready [Study materials(SAS-2) & Stationary] atleast 15 mins before the exam starts.
  • Enter the exam hall as and when bell rings so that you will get time to relax your mind for a mins.
During Exam:
  • Fill up the necessary details in the answer sheet as and when you received it.
  • When you received question paper don't start answering immediately! Just go through question papers and analyse it for 5 to 10 mins, what questions are asked & decide which questions(known/familiar) you are going to answer first.
  • Don't panic if anything is asked which you not studied. 
  • Concentrate on questions asked which you studied.
  • Time management is very crucial in SAS specially in Part-2. Because in SAS Part 2 many problems require more time & sometimes you are not aware of time taken to answer a single question is much longer than usual. It will makes you difficult to answer the remaining questions at the end & you will end up with the leaving easy/known questions without answering!
  • So roughly plan the time needed to answer the questions into 3 parts each containing one hour.
  • In each hour try to answer atleast 20-30+ marks so that you will end up with answering atleast for 60+ marks and always try to attend atleast 80+ marks so that you will get atleast 50+ marks in results!
  • Every hour you must check once how many questions are remaining to answer & revise/adjust the time plan & speed up accordingly.
  • Start answering questions in the order from familiar/known topics which you are confident to unknown whether it may be less/more marks.
  • Try to answer all questions even if it's completely unknown to you! For completely unknown questions write any points you know about the topic. Sometimes you will get few marks for that. These few marks matters a lot if you are at the passing marks margin! So don't leave any questions!
  • SAS Part-1:
  • Advantage in SAS Part 1 is you will get MCQ for 40 marks!. Try to get atleast 25 to 30+ marks with MCQ only. So that passing marks can be easily crossed after adding marks got by theory questions.
  • You can answer the MCQ'S one by one for which you know the answers first without taking much time then use the remaining time to answer the left out MCQ'S for which answers are doubtful.
  • Try to cover all MCQ'S as early as possible within the given time. Otherwise you will end up with more MCQ'S unanswering at the last minutes. If you are left out with more MCQ'S unanswering even at the last 5-10 mins just answer them fast without thinking so that you will get some marks luckily instead of leaving MCQ'S with no marks. Don't leave any MCQ'S as there is no negative marks! 
  • SAS Part-2:
  • Carry all Volumes, Manuals, Regulations, Orders & Circulars for all Papers except Paper 5! Because some questions will be asked from other Volumes/Manuals & Regulations which are not in the Syllabus prescribed for the paper you are writing (because all Volumes, Regulations & Manuals are interlinked).
  • Keep Volumes, Manuals, Regulations & important orders/Circulars Seperately (Keep Separately the Materials & Circulars related to syllabus mentioned in the present paper you are writing) in a way so that you can get any required one quickly while answering.
  • In SAS Part-2, you will get some theory questions for 20-30+ marks in some papers. These theory questions can be easily answerable as you can get answers by just searching Volumes & Regulations. Also it takes time to search the answers if you are not aware of the index/what are topics covered and where it's available in the volumes and regulations. To avoid more searching time you must aware/try to thorough with the index/topics in all volumes and regulations. Try to attend it first so that you are confirm/secured with atleast 25+ marks. Cover these questions as early as possible within 1 hour so that you will get time for solving problems.
  • In SAS Part-2, Specially in problems solving you must read the questions twice without hurry. Because questions will have some tricky points, you will get these points only if you are understand the question properly and thorough with related topics!
  • In problems solving if you are stuck in any stage in any problem don't waste too much time in thinking about the same problem. If you didn't get the solution for the next stage just leave it with the blank space needed to complete the answer and go for the next question. Otherwise it makes you end up with the leaving easy/known questions without answering!  At the end if you have time you can get back and  answer the incomplete questions.
  • At the end if you have time you can check your answers for any corrections if needed.
After Exam:
  • Don't discuss/think too much about the paper which is over whether its went good or bad. It's done! You can't change anything by discussing/thinking. 
  • So after every paper is over you must think only about the next paper and spend time in preparing for the next paper.
Repeat the same for all Papers.

Exam is like a festival, Just Celebrate it!🎉
All the best for the Festival 😊

More tips will be added/updated regularly..
Thank you..

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